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QR & Link
Felicia Heng avatar
Written by Felicia Heng
Updated over a week ago

This QR & Link feature is a quicker and faster way to engage with your customers to your brand. Customers who purchased a product, engaged your brand service can simply scan the QR attached to provide feedback, get more information or rewarded.

On this page:

  • Create Content Pages After Scanning QR

  • Create Settings for QR & Link

  • Generate the codes for QR & Link

Create Content Pages After Scanning QR

1. Go to Playbooks > Pages to create your content.

2. Click +Create button on the top right of the page, select a blank template.

3. Refer Pages for more details on building your Pages content.

4. You will need to create 2 content pages for your QR & Link.

  • 1st page for when a customer scans the QR

To link up the QR to the 1st page, you will add this placeholder [:complete_linked_qr_url] to your "Call To Action (CTA)" button.

Referring to the example below, "Collect Your Points" is the CTA button that is linked to the placeholder above.

Screenshot 2021-10-28 at 9.46.45 AM
  • 2nd page after clicking the "Call To Action (CTA)" button

Once customer clicks on the CTA button, they will be redirected to the 2nd landing page. The 2nd page will let them know the result of clicking the CTA button.

Example below shows customer has earned 5 points and another CTA button has been added to redirect them to their member card page.

Screenshot 2021-10-28 at 10.00.15 AM

Create Settings for QR & Link

1. Go to Playbooks > QR & Link

**If you do not see QR & Link, Add Experiences to enable it.

2. Under Settings tab, click +Create

3. Complete the necessary fields and hit "Save"

Screenshot 2021-10-29 at 4.56.41 PM

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