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Game Settings Fields Definition
Game Settings Fields Definition
Edward Au avatar
Written by Edward Au
Updated over a month ago

General Settings

Settings Fields



Name of the game for easy identification and future reference when editing.

Game Type

Specifies the type of game to be created (Arcade, Chance, Quiz).

Select Game

Allows selection of different games within each Game Type, when available.

Game URL

Field to enter the URL of a game for certain Game Types that require external links.

Points Needed

For specific Game Type. Set how many points are required for a member to play the game.

Specific Segment

Settings to select which member segments can play this game.

Maximum Try

Defines how many attempts a member can play this game. Can be set to 0 for unlimited tries. Frequency can be set per day/week/month/year/lifetime under Max Type.

Maximum Win

Specifies how many times a member can win this game. Frequency can be set per day/week/month/year/lifetime under Max Type.

Maximum Type

When using Maximum Try. Frequency can be set per day/week/month/year/lifetime.

Maximum Submission Time

For games that redirect to third-party websites, sets the time limit (in minutes) for users to return to the platform.

Loss Message

Custom message that appears when a user loses a game chance.

Exceed Tries Message

Custom message that appears when a member reaches their maximum number of tries.

Maximum Wins Message

Custom message that appears when a member reaches their maximum number of wins.

Advanced Settings

Settings Fields


Game Content Page

Allows users to choose from 3 pre-designed system pages: Cybers design, Racial design, and Arcade design. Each has different color themes and designs.

Custom page can also be selected. Advanced user can clone the System Page and edit the content.

Logo/Header Image Upload

Enables users to upload a custom image that will appear in the header of the game page.

Logo/Header Image Height

Allows users to set the height of the uploaded header image to ensure proper space utilisation in the game page.

Title Text

Enables customisation of title text that appears in both system and custom pages. Recommended for system pages, but optional for custom pages that already include title text.

Message Text

Allows customisation of dynamic messages such as remaining tries and points required. Recommended to use placeholders as these values update automatically during gameplay.

The placeholder supported are
:points_needed - will replace with the number of points needed to play this game 1 time

:remaining_tries - based the number of remaining points, how many chances left

This number will be dynamically updated during game play.

Game Start Button Text

Enables customisation of the start button text for system pages.

Background Image Override

Allows users to upload a custom background image to replace the default background.

Background Color Override

Enables users to select a custom background color.

Color Override Options

Allows replacement of multiple colors including spin view board colors and game box colors. Useful for implementing corporate branding colors.

Game Prizes Settings for Chance Game

Settings Fields


Match Rate

Sets the probability rate (in percentage) for winning this prize. All prizes' match rates should add up to 100%. Any remaining percentage is automatically assigned to the fallback prize.

Mark as Loss

When checked, winning this prize is considered a loss and won't count towards maximum win calculations.

Issue Points

Specifies the number of points to be awarded when a user wins this prize.

Issue Reward

Allows selection of one or more rewards that will be automatically issued when a user wins this prize.

Prize Image

Upload a custom image or select from default images. Appears in both the spinner view and win pop-up. Used to visually represent the prize.

Win Title

Customisable text that appears in the win pop-up when a user wins this prize.

Prize Title

Appears both in the Spin Wheel view alongside the image and in the win pop-up when a prize is won.

Prize Description

Additional text that appears in the win pop-up to provide more details about the prize.

Prize URL

The destination URL where users will be directed when clicking the prize URL button.

Prize URL Button Text

The text displayed on the button that links to the Prize URL.

Game Level Settings for Arcade Game

Settings Fields



When a user scores above this number but below the next higher score level, this prize will be awarded.

Issue Points

Specifies the number of points to be awarded when a user wins this prize.

Issue Reward

Allows selection of one or more rewards that will be automatically issued when a user wins this prize.

Win Title

Customisable text that appears in the win pop-up when a user wins this prize.

Win Description

Additional text that appears in the win pop-up to provide more details about the prize.

Prize URL

The destination URL where users will be directed when clicking the prize URL button.

Prize URL Button Text

The text displayed on the button that links to the Prize URL.

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