General Settings
Settings Fields | Remarks |
Name | Name of the game for easy identification and future reference when editing. |
Game Type | Specifies the type of game to be created (Arcade, Chance, Quiz). |
Select Game | Allows selection of different games within each Game Type, when available. |
Game URL | Field to enter the URL of a game for certain Game Types that require external links. |
Points Needed | For specific Game Type. Set how many points are required for a member to play the game. |
Specific Segment | Settings to select which member segments can play this game. |
Maximum Try | Defines how many attempts a member can play this game. Can be set to 0 for unlimited tries. Frequency can be set per day/week/month/year/lifetime under Max Type. |
Maximum Win | Specifies how many times a member can win this game. Frequency can be set per day/week/month/year/lifetime under Max Type. |
Maximum Type | When using Maximum Try. Frequency can be set per day/week/month/year/lifetime. |
Maximum Submission Time | For games that redirect to third-party websites, sets the time limit (in minutes) for users to return to the platform. |
Loss Message | Custom message that appears when a user loses a game chance. |
Exceed Tries Message | Custom message that appears when a member reaches their maximum number of tries. |
Maximum Wins Message | Custom message that appears when a member reaches their maximum number of wins. |
Advanced Settings
Settings Fields | Remarks |
Game Content Page | Allows users to choose from 3 pre-designed system pages: Cybers design, Racial design, and Arcade design. Each has different color themes and designs. |
Logo/Header Image Upload | Enables users to upload a custom image that will appear in the header of the game page. |
Logo/Header Image Height | Allows users to set the height of the uploaded header image to ensure proper space utilisation in the game page. |
Title Text | Enables customisation of title text that appears in both system and custom pages. Recommended for system pages, but optional for custom pages that already include title text. |
Message Text | Allows customisation of dynamic messages such as remaining tries and points required. Recommended to use placeholders as these values update automatically during gameplay. |
Game Start Button Text | Enables customisation of the start button text for system pages. |
Background Image Override | Allows users to upload a custom background image to replace the default background. |
Background Color Override | Enables users to select a custom background color. |
Color Override Options | Allows replacement of multiple colors including spin view board colors and game box colors. Useful for implementing corporate branding colors. |
Game Prizes Settings for Chance Game
Settings Fields | Remarks |
Match Rate | Sets the probability rate (in percentage) for winning this prize. All prizes' match rates should add up to 100%. Any remaining percentage is automatically assigned to the fallback prize. |
Mark as Loss | When checked, winning this prize is considered a loss and won't count towards maximum win calculations. |
Issue Points | Specifies the number of points to be awarded when a user wins this prize. |
Issue Reward | Allows selection of one or more rewards that will be automatically issued when a user wins this prize. |
Prize Image | Upload a custom image or select from default images. Appears in both the spinner view and win pop-up. Used to visually represent the prize. |
Win Title | Customisable text that appears in the win pop-up when a user wins this prize. |
Prize Title | Appears both in the Spin Wheel view alongside the image and in the win pop-up when a prize is won. |
Prize Description | Additional text that appears in the win pop-up to provide more details about the prize. |
Prize URL | The destination URL where users will be directed when clicking the prize URL button. |
Prize URL Button Text | The text displayed on the button that links to the Prize URL. |
Game Level Settings for Arcade Game
Settings Fields | Remarks |
Score | When a user scores above this number but below the next higher score level, this prize will be awarded. |
Issue Points | Specifies the number of points to be awarded when a user wins this prize. |
Issue Reward | Allows selection of one or more rewards that will be automatically issued when a user wins this prize. |
Win Title | Customisable text that appears in the win pop-up when a user wins this prize. |
Win Description | Additional text that appears in the win pop-up to provide more details about the prize. |
Prize URL | The destination URL where users will be directed when clicking the prize URL button. |
Prize URL Button Text | The text displayed on the button that links to the Prize URL. |