Gamification for a loyalty platform involves incorporating game-like elements into the loyalty experience to make it more engaging, rewarding, and fun for users. Instead of just earning points or rewards through purchases, gamification adds layers of interactivity, challenges, and competition that increase user motivation and participation.
Here's how gamification can be applied to a loyalty platform:
1. Encourages Member Engagement
By incorporating game elements, businesses can make their programmes more interactive, allowing members to earn points and rewards for achieving certain scores. Gamification makes the whole process of earning rewards more enjoyable, making members engage more, and stay loyal to the programme.
2. Boosts Member Motivation
Gamification is an effective way to motivate members to login every day, participate, and spend more. This feedback helps keep members motivated and engaged, which is crucial for the success of any loyalty programme.
3. Increases Member Loyalty and turns them into Promoters
Gamification can increase member loyalty and turn members into brand advocates. When members interact with a gamified loyalty programme, they are more likely to talk about it, resulting in increased loyalty and advocacy. Gamification can also help businesses collect valuable data on member behaviour, preferences, and interests, which can be used to improve loyalty programmes, products, and services.
Below are the few games options available for setup on our platform.
Do take note that the gamification feature is only available in our Eber Pro Plan. If you wish to explore more on this feature, For further information, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support.