Bulk uploading discount codes in Eber allows businesses to efficiently manage and distribute unique reward codes to their members. This feature is particularly useful when running large-scale promotional campaigns or managing multiple reward codes simultaneously or any business who offer a discount code reward without direct integration of POS or e-commerce platform with Eber.
Key Benefits
Efficiently manage large volumes of unique discount codes
Flexible code display options for different business needs
Simple bulk import process with standardized file format
Unique random code visibility and security settings
Step by Step Guide
Navigate to the reward setup page and select "Unique Codes" from the dropdown menu
Choose the "Import" option and click "Save"
Return to the reward settings and click on the "Integration/Codes" tab, then select "Manage Discount Code"
Prepare your discount codes according to the template format:
** Please ensure that the template includes a header, such as 'Code' or 'code'Upload your discount code file through the discount code management
Click "Import Codes" to complete the process
Set up notification threshold to receive alerts when available codes fall below a specified number
Configure the code display settings:
Save your settings to finalize the setup
Review the file format requirements carefully before preparing your import file
Test the code display settings with a small batch first
Consider your security needs when setting code visibility options
Keep track of imported codes for future reference from discount code management
What's Next?
Import a test batch of codes to familiarize yourself with the process
Set up your preferred code display settings
Plan your code distribution strategy