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SMS Credit Topup

Where to reload/top up my SMS credit?

Kathy Yip avatar
Written by Kathy Yip
Updated over a year ago

*This access is limited to the Owner role only.

Pre-paid credit are used for some on-demand service such as SMS sending, 3rd party reward redemption. You can maintain credit balance in multiple currency so that correct currency will be used when consuming such service.

On this page

Settings > Billing & Credit > Credit

SMS is one of the most frequent credit-required operations, and credit is utilized for the following:

  • SMS OTP (Upon new registration)

  • Reset Password via SMS

  • All SMS notifications can be found under Messaging > Activity Message.

  • SMS Campaign

  • SMS Campaign BOT

Auto Topup SMS Credit

As a result, we recommend to our clients to set auto topup in order to minimise interruptions in SMS service. To do so:

  1. Click on the bottom left corner logo > Settings > Billing & Credit > Credit.

  2. Hover all the way down to the "Credit" column, then select [ Manage Card ]. Key in your card details and hit [ Add ]*.
    If you had already added your credit card before, skip to Step 3.

  3. Then hit [ Set Auto Topup ] under "Service [For SMS]".

  4. Turn on the [ Auto Topup ] button in the prompt up box, select the amount for "Auto Topup When Balance Fall Below", "Topup Amount", and "Topup Card" to choose your newly added credit card, then hit [ Save ] > Done.

*Unless there is a change in credit card details, this information is usually only required setup once.

Note: If you have enabled the option to "Auto Topup" or "One Time Topup", but still don't see the charge is done, it is due to system had failed to charge your current stored credit card.

Therefore you will need to change your credit card by clicking on "Manage Card" to change/add a new card and you can try again by choosing the newly added card and clicking on Save to see if it works.

Manual Topup SMS Credit

Businesses who prefer to top up manually should review their "Service Credit Balance" and "Estimated local SMS messages left" on a regular basis; this will prevent your SMS campaign from being interrupted in the middle of sending or your member from being frustrated at the counter due to an unreceived OTP.

You can review the details in "SMS Credit" section.

If you would like to do [ One Time Topup ], you may do so:

  1. Click on the bottom left corner logo > Settings > Billing & Credit > Credit.

  2. Hover all the way down to the "Credit" column, then select [ Manage Card ]. Key in your card details and hit [ Add ]*.
    If you had already added your credit card before, skip to Step 3.

  3. Then hit [ One Time Topup ] under "Service [For SMS]".

  4. Select "Topup Amount" > then click [ Topup ].
    You will see your SMS credit balance increased after successful topup.

SMS Balance Notification

You can now enable to receive email notification if you balance falls under x amount which you can choose from the dropbox option below. To do so:

  1. Click on the bottom left corner logo > Settings > Billing & Credit > Credit.

  2. Under "Credit" column > Balance Notification for "Service [For SMS]", click on the
    [ No ] button.

  3. Enable "Turn on Notification" in the prompt up box, choose the amount for "Daily Notification if balance fall below", and your "Receive Email" to receive the email notification when balance falls below x amount you have chosen.

SMS Charges

If you are curious about your SMS charges, you may view them in the "SMS Pricing" column. All SMS messages are send out via global carrier providers with lowest latency and SMS branding when possible. Cost of each SMS will be deducted from the USD Service Credit balance.

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