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Creating Rewards

How to create reward?

Kathy Yip avatar
Written by Kathy Yip
Updated over a week ago

Loyalty > Rewards.

Your used reward status can be found here.

The overview will show all active rewards by default. Simply hover over the "Status" button, select the status, and click the [ Search ] button to view the inactive rewards.

Create Reward

To create a reward, click on [ + Create ] button. You will be led to a new page named "Rewards / Create", which has five tabs labelled:

  • General

  • Limits

  • Target

  • Integration/Code

  • More

Each tab is used to customize your reward. We'll go over each tab in detail, from creation to settings.


1. All newly rewards are inactive by default. Enable it as you create.

2. Select your "Type" by referring to this table:




  • (Not Integrated)

  • LightSpeed

  • Slurp

  • Storehub

  • Vend

  • Wavelet

  • Revel

  • Xilnex


  • Eat365

  • FoodZap

  • Novitee

  • SwiftPOS

  • Zeoniq

  • Dineplan Level 5

3. Fill out the "Reward Title" section with your reward name.

4. Enter the value needed to redeem for this reward under "Points Needed".

5. Upload your reward image.

6. Fill in your description and terms and conditions.

7. Based on your reward type (refer to item 2), select your "Enable Claim" button according to the following:




  • Not Available on Web App

  • Claim and use in One Button/Step (Mainly for E-commerce)

  • Claim and use Button in 2 Steps (Mainly for E-commerce)


  • Claim Button Only (Usage in Other Method)

8. Hit [ Save ], and you're done for this tab!

More information about "Enable Claim/Use Button on Webapp" and "Passcode to Confirm Usage" can be found in this article.


1. Under "Quantity available" field, enter the value for how many times this reward can be claimed. E.g, If this reward is limited to only 100 claims, then type "100" into this field. If this reward can be claimed indefinitely, leave it at "0".

2. Under "Limited claim/usage per member", enter the value of times this reward can be claimed by each member. E.g, If this reward is limited to 1 claim only (welcome gift), then enter "1" and select "Lifetime". If this a once per month reward, then enter "1" and select "Per Month".

3. If you do not want the reward to be displayed after the limit has been exceeded, check the "Hide if limit reached" box.

4. You can control the expiry date of the reward by setting a value in the "Expires X days after claim" field. E.g, 90 days of being set. This voucher will expire if it has been claimed or is still in the "My Reward" tab and has not been used within 90 days of being claimed.

5. If this is an exclusive reward that can only be claimed during a specific period of time, enter the dates in the "Start Date" and "End Date" fields. This function is primarily used in conjunction with ""Quantity available"" to increase the claim's competitiveness.

6. If this is an exclusive reward that can only be used during a specific period of time, enter the dates in the "Usage Start Date" and "Usage End Date" fields.

7. Refer to the following to understand how the "Usage Option" works and how to decide your preferred settings:




Singe Unit Usage Only

To claim and use the same reward only once.

If a member wishes to redeem the reward twice, the member must claim 2 times.

All Available Points Must Be used

This reward will indicate quantity of the rewards are now claimable with the points in the account.

After claiming, the member's point balance will be reflected in the account.

The member now has 2,700 points, while the reward requires 1,000 points each.

The reward will indicate 2 (quantity).

The member will receive 2 rewards with one claim, and his or her account will have a balance of 700 points.

Allow Multiple Unit Usage

Member can choose to claim the same reward more than once, based on the "Limited claim/usage per member" setting.

The member can claim the same reward multiple times and use all of the claimed rewards at the same time.

8. You can also limit the use/claim of this reward to specific locations/stores by selecting the store group or store name (if you have multiple stores and done configured in Channel [Add-on Feature]).

9. Hit [ Save ], and you're done for this tab.


1. Select the desired membership tier from "Target by Tier" if this is a special reward for a specific tier only. If this is meant to be a public reward, leave it as is.

2. Select the desired segment from "Target by Segment" if this is a special reward for a specific segment only. If this is meant to be a public reward, leave it as is.

3. "Target by Date Field" is used for rewards that must be triggered on a specified event, such as anniversary and birthday, and it allows you to select how many days this specific reward will be visible to the specific member for claim. Refer to below for some example for common use:

Available___ Days before "actual date of" or "first day of the month" . "Birthday" or "Anniversary"

for up to ___ Days after actual day of

E.g, (I) Anniversary reward, and want it to appear only on anniversary for 14 days. The setting should be:

Available 0 Days before "actual date of" . "Anniversary"

for up to 14 Days after actual day of

E.g, (II) Birthday reward, and want it to appear only on the birthday month for 30 days. The settings should be:

Available 0 Days before "first day of the month" . "Birthday"

for up to 30 Days after actual day of

4. Choose how your reward should be displayed. Below "Viewing Preferences for Rewards" for your action are listed below:





A reward meant to be visible to all by default, or restricted to specified tiers or segment settings (if applicable).

  • Free reward

  • Point redemption reward.

Always Show

A reward that is always visible, regardless of tiers or segment.

However the reward is not claimable if the member does not fall inside the specified tiers or segments.

  • Partner reward

  • Drive-traffic-purpose-reward

Always Hide

A reward that is always hidden. Not visible by anyone.

  • Service recovery reward

  • Manual-triggered-reward

5. Hit [ Save ], and you're done for this tab.


This tab allows businesses to generate a specific set of discount/redeem code that will be shown on the Webapp for integrated POS/E-commerce to recognise the item (and apply a discount) when a member claims a reward through a specified way.

The default setting is "No Integration," which means that no code is displayed. For businesses who have integration and wish to use this feature, your E-commerce store will show in the dropdown list (done configured in Channel). Otherwise, "No Integration" and "unique codes" will be displayed.

If your business does not have any integration with Eber, you can disregard this tab.

There are two methods you can use if you need the discount/redeem code to be displayed:

  • Import

  • Auto-Create

(A) Import

This is mostly used on e-commerce platforms (such as Shopify and WooCommerce) and for partner collaboration (discount/redeem codes created by the partner's software). More details will be covered in another article.

Read this article for guides on how to upload discount/redeem codes into Eber.

(B) Auto-Create

If you want a specific discount/redeem code that can be recognised manually, you can enter a static discount code here. E.g, SpringSale10, MegaSaleJan - The same discount/redeem code will be displayed to all members who claim the award.

If you leave it blank, a random discount/redeem code will be generated.


Each kind of POS needed a unique technique of scanning the reward. You can configure how the code is displayed according on your preferences/POS requirements under "Display Promo Code or Redeem Code".


If the reward is meant to be used elsewhere, you can include a link in the reward so that your member can visit the site right away. This is a useful tool for driving traffic, especially if you have a diverse set of businesses, or for quickly linking your members to your partner/collaborate website rather than manually type the URL into browser.

To do so, simply tick the "Show Link Button" box, enter the title you want to display on the button, and insert the URL. Hit [ Save ], and you're done for this tab!


This tab's is usually for advanced or more unique rewards. It can be disregard if you are configuring standard rewards.

1. "Tags" is a feature that is frequently used when you want to categorize your award for better display or faster searching. E.g, online rewards, in-store rewards, cash vouchers, and so on. Please note tag is case-sensitive, it must be written in a particular form, for example using all capital letters or all small letters, in order for Eber to recognize it.

2. You can configure it at "Tier Upgrade" if claiming this reward will allow your member to advance to the next tier by selecting the tiers to be upgraded. This is commonly used for a special event or a paid membership business where standard members can be upgraded at specific points to enjoy the benefits. Once this reward is pushed to a member and they use it, they will automatically upgraded to the next tier.

3. Certain rewards may require further information in order to be arranged. With "Smart Form For Reward Claim/Use," you can set a series of questions and details for members to fill out before organising the award. This is usually used for a reward with delivery (for the member to fill out an address), collecting payment for certain services or some other information for verification. More details will be covered in another article.

4. "Claim, Use, Move to Use" is the Webapp's default button name. You can change the names in "Button Name Setting" to match your business's terminology if needed. E.g, “Retrieve, Apply, Move to History".

5. For businesses that wish to keep track of the estimated cost offered whenever a reward is redeemed, you may specify the reward's value in the "Reward Cost" field. This is an internal document that not visible to members.

To access the report, go to Insight > Reward > Rewards Transactions (Claimed or Used) > Click [ Search ] after selecting the required parameter. You can see the reward cost in the generated report and export it to sum up the total amount, if needed. See the report example below.

6. Hit [ Save ], and you're done!

See the report example for Reward Cost below:

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