Editing a member profile from backend is typically required in the following scenarios:
1. Updating Incorrect Information
If a member has provided incorrect details (e.g., misspelled names, wrong email addresses, or outdated phone numbers), you can correct this information to ensure accurate communication.
2. Adjusting Loyalty Points or Rewards Manually
When a member's points or rewards need manual adjustment due to a system error or promotional exception.
Examples include compensating points for a missed transaction or adding rewards as part of a special campaign.
3. Changing Membership Tier
Adjusting a member’s tier due to errors or when honoring a promotion, like upgrading a member to a higher tier for a limited period.
4. Fixing Technical Issues
Addressing discrepancies caused by system glitches, such as missing transaction history or incorrect member statuses.
5. Handling Special Requests
Processing specific requests, such as merging duplicate accounts, adding referral information, or editing custom fields for business purposes.
Editing profiles should always be performed with caution to maintain data integrity and ensure compliance with privacy and data protection regulations.
To edit existing member profile, log into your Eber XM Backend: