What is Contact Tracing Form?
Is a form that Eber created in response to the current pandemic which businesses can use to:
help identify relevant contacts who might be infected
build customer experience and confidence
How does it work?
Check out the video on the user flow.
Note: This feature currently works on ipad (iOS)
Creating Contact Tracing Form
1. Go to Playbooks => Smart Form. Create a new form and select type as Anonymous.
2. Give your form a name, fill up the necessary fields, and save. A new form will be created.
3. Click on the pencil to edit the newly created form.
4. Create new questions for your form via the 7 available formats (Text, Date, Yes/No, Single Choice-Dropdown list, Multiple Choice, NPS, Rating)
5. Next, head to Channels => Store App => Buttons and enable the Smart Form button on your Store App. You may rename the button accordingly.
6. Select the smart form that you created in Steps 1-4 and save!
7. Your Contact Tracing Form is now ready and you can start using it via Store App and Web App!